Our PartnersWe are proud to partner with the following organizations and value the assistance they provide to our programs both locally and nationally. In some cases, "partnering" with us means serving as a parent agency to one of our sites; in other cases it means providing our programs with funding, technical assistance, resources, volunteers, etc.
All of the organizations you see below have been supporters of our cause and we would not be here without them. If you're interested in partnering with the MYBC, in any capacity: funding, support, volunteerism, or in some new, innovative way we haven't even thought of yet, contact Executive Director Terry Moran at [email protected]. AmeriCorps
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education YouthBuild USA and YouthBuild International MassHire Massachusetts Workforce Alliance Massachusetts Clean Energy Center Massachusetts Service Alliance Massachusetts Non Profit Network Corporate Saint-Gobain Skanska Chipotle Organizations Sponsoring YB Programs in Massachusetts YouthBuild Boston, Inc. The Old Colony YMCA Training Resources of America, Inc. P.A.C.E., Inc. Just A Start Corporation Community Teamwork, Inc. Lawrence Family Development, Inc. North Shore Community Development Coalition New North Citizens' Council |
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